Books, lists and challenges – 3 of my favourite things

I told myself that I would not get embroiled in the many enticing challenges that I see everywhere in the book-blogging world.  Just the initial one, I told myself, just the Classics Club.  Plus the few personal ones that I’d set for myself anyway. 


Then Woolfalong, which I’d been resolutely turning away from, could be resisted no longer – the requirements for this next phase, as explained by heavenali, happened to fit perfectly with two books already on my Classics Club list.  It made sense to join in, really, don’t you think?


And then yesterday, several blogs that I’m enjoying directed me to R.I.P. XI – R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril, just entering its eleventh year.  Now, I don’t like gothic, horror, thriller etc.  This challenge surely encompasses all things that I don’t choose to read.  But it’s the start of a new month; the seasons begin to turn; by the end of this challenge we’ll have reached Hallowe’en and Carl’s blurb on his longstanding annual challenge was simply too enticing to resist.  After all, I really, really ought to read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.  I both want to and don’t want to in equal measure – either way, I really ought to read it.  And he’s offering me the opportunity.  Not only that, but once again, there are several books on my Classics Club list that fit the brief.  So one book will cover more than one challenge.  Nice.  And I get the fun of playing with my book lists and planning out what’s possible and the satisfaction of ticking off titles and seeing reading progress on many fronts.  I love a good list.  I love seeing progress.  How can I not do this!

So here is my intended reading for September and October.  Two of the titles I’ll be reading electronically; five I already own; four I need to find.  How easily I’m going to be able to stick with the list remains to be seen.  But if I manage it, I’ll be very impressed with myself indeed!  And Frankenstein?  I can’t see myself tackling him this year: I’m going to start in gently with short stories and novellas.  But it will be top of the list for next year’s R.I.P. – hopefully!

(I’m starting to list the challenges under the reading page.  There’s a few more still to add.)

Planned Reading September/October 2016

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (Daily Lit) – Classics Club

Rainbow Valley by Lucy M Montgomery (Kindle) – Classics Club

A Gull on the Roof by Derek Tangye – A Cornish Cornucopia

A Year of Marvellous Ways by Sarah Winman – A Cornish Cornucopia

Ross Poldark by Winston Graham – Classics Club, A Cornish Cornucopia

The Birds and Other Stories by Daphne du Maurier – Classics Club, A Cornish Cornucopia, R.I.P.

A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf – Classics Club, Woolfalong

A Writer’s Diary by Virginia Woolf – Classics Club, Reading about Writing, Woolfalong

Lady into Fox by David Garnett – Classics Club, The Prizewinner Challenge, R.I.P

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad – Classics Club, R.I.P.

The Glass Room by Simon Mawer – because I want to and because I can!


14 thoughts on “Books, lists and challenges – 3 of my favourite things”

  1. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Frankenstein, it wasn’t at all like I expected it to be. I might join you reading Rainbow Valley. I read all the Poldark books and the Tangye books years ago. It’s amazing how many great books have a Cornish setting.


    1. I suspect that I may enjoy it too, Katrina; I just need to make it happen and next year’s R.I.P. challenge seems a good opportunity. I’ve just finished the first Tangye book this afternoon – lovely! Cornwall and Scotland are both popular settings I think 🙂 I’m reading through all the Anne books. After a bit of a slump with the last one, I’m enjoying Rainbow Valley. Do join me!


  2. It’s hard to resist signing up for challenges, isn’t it? Good luck with them all. You have some great books on your list for September and October – I loved Ross Poldark and the Daphne du Maurier book. I’m hoping to find time to read A Room of One’s Own for the Woolfalong too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Frankenstein is so different from what I expected – not at all like the film and not scary. It has interesting ideas about what it is to be human. And The Birds, so different from the film too. I loved the Poldark books and the Tangye ones years ago – and recently The Glass Room. I’ve been trying to get round to reading Orlando for the Woolfalong, but other books keep getting in the way.


    1. Margaret, I’m sure I’ve been put off by the film and I’m hopeful that when I finally get to read it I shall be pleasantly surprised – if ‘pleasantly’ is the right word. This is the first time I’ve set myself a pile of books to read in a given time; I’m enjoying the anticipation! Orlando will fit into the last phase of Woolfalong I think, so you still have time!


  4. Rainbow Valley! I so adore that book. Of all the Anne series, it is the one I’ve re-read the most.

    Glad you decided to give RIP a whirl. Certainly stories in Du Maurier’s collection fit the bill, as do others. I love making lists, and love reading others as well. It is one of the most fun things about hosting these events.

    Great to have you, hope your September/October reading is fantastic.


    1. Thank you, Carl! I’m looking forward to a great couple of month’s reading. I’m enjoying Rainbow Valley (which definitely doesn’t fit into R.I.P!) but so far it’s the earlier Anne books that remain my favourites. We shall see!


  5. Lol! It is so hard to resist anything bookish, isn’t it – I love the idea of the Woolfalong. Your reading list for Sept/Oct looks delicious – what fun you are going to have!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooops – should have read this comment before replying to the earlier one! No, I haven’t finished it yet – reading in general is being slowed up by other events at the moment. But I am enjoying it more than the book before (which was actually written at a later date if you follow me.) I’m keen to read Rilla of Ingleside so I need to get this one finished 🙂

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